
Dr. DiMarchi is a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, a Linda and Jack Gill Chair in the Gill Institute for Neuroscience, and the former chairman of the Chemistry Department at Indiana University Bloomington. He is also is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and the National Inventors Hall of Fame and a former Group Vice President at Eli Lilly and later at Novo Nordisk. He is recognized for his contributions to the discovery and development of rDNA-derived Humalog®, rGlucagon®, and Forteo®. His academic research has broadened the understanding of glucagon physiology and the discovery of single molecule multimode agonists for the treatment of diabetes and obesity. He is a former decade-long chairman of the Peptide Therapeutics Foundation and is widely recognized as an international spokesperson for macromolecular medicines.

Professor DiMarchi is co-inventor on more than one hundred U.S. patents and co-author to more than two hundred and fifty peer-reviewed scientific publications. He was identified as a top-five translation researcher by Nature Biotechnology for the years 2014 and 2015. Since 2003, he has co-founded six successful biotech companies (Ambrx, Marcadia, Calibrium, MB2, Assembly, MBX). In the last decade Professor DiMarchi has received the 2011 Merrifield Award for career contributions in peptide sciences, the 2014 German National Erwin Schrödinger-Preis, the 2015 Meienhofer Prize, the 2015 Max Bergmann Medal, and the 2016 ACS Alfred Burger career award in medicinal chemistry.


  • DiMarchi, RD; Wang, CC; Hemenway, JB; Gurd, FR Complete amino acid sequence of the major component myoglobin of finback whale (BalaenopteraPhysalus).  Biochemistry (1978), 17(10), 1968-70.  Journal Code:  0370623.  ISSN: 0006-2960. PubMed ID 656375 AN 1978 187212 Medline
  • DiMarchi, Richard D; Garner, William H; Wang, Chi-Chin; Hanania, George I.H.; Gurd, Frank, RN; Characterization of the reaction of methyl acetimidate with sperm whale myoglobin. Biochemstry (1978), 17(14), 2822-9.  CODEN: BICHAW ISSN: 0006-2960. CAN 89:18699 AN 1978:418699 CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi, Richard Dennis. Semisynthetic studies of the amino-terminal region of sperm whale myoglobin and the complete amino acid sequence of the major component myoglobin of the finback whale (Balaenoptera physalus). (1979), 281 pp.  CAN 91:170247  AN 1979:570247    CAPLUS
  • Gurd, Frank R. N.; Garner, William H.; DiMarchi, Richard D.; Wang, Chi-Chin.   Production of semisynthetic myoglobin by stepwise fragment condensation.  Pept., Proc. Am. Pept. Symp., 5th  (1977), 480-3.  CODEN: 37OBAT  CAN 89:6544  AN 1978:406544    CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi, Richard D.; Garner, William H.; Wang, Chi-Chin; Gurd, Frank R. N.   Semisynthetic studies at the amino-terminal region of sperm whale myoglobin.    Semisynth. Pept. Proteins, Pap. Int. Meet. Protein Semisynth.  (1978),  Meeting Date 1977, 45-57.  CODEN: 39MMAW  CAN 90:204486  AN 1979:204486    CAPLUS
  • Wang, Chi-Chin; DiMarchi, Richard; Gurd, Frank R. N.   Replacement of the N-terminal tetradecapeptide sequence of sperm whale myoglobin.    Semisynth. Pept. Proteins, Pap. Int. Meet. Protein Semisynth.  (1978),  Meeting Date 1977,     59-69.  CODEN: 39MMAW  CAN 90:138195  AN 1979:138195    CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi, Richard D.; Neireiter, George W.; Garner, William H.; Gurd, Frank R. N.   Myoglobin semisynthesis:  removal of the amino-terminal valine of sperm whale myoglobin and its subsequent reincorporation. Biochemistry  (1979),  18(14),  3101-9.  CODEN: BICHAW  ISSN:0006-2960.  CAN 91:74893  AN 1979:474893    CAPLUS
  • Neireiter, G. W.; DiMarchi, R. D.; Gurd, F. R. N.   NH2-Terminal myoglobin semisynthesis.    Pept., Struct. Biol. Funct., Proc. Am. Pept. Symp., 6th  (1979),  621-4.  CODEN: 44LVAU  CAN 94:157235  AN 1981:157235    CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi, Richard D.; Neireiter, George W.; Heath, William F.; Gurd, Frank R. N.   Structural significance of the amino-terminal residues of sperm whale myoglobin. Biochemistry  (1980),  19(11),  2454-65.  CODEN: BICHAW  ISSN:0006-2960.  CAN 93:20994  AN 1980:420994    CAPLUS
  • Tam, James P.; DiMarchi, Richard D.; Merrifield, R. B.   Photolabile multi-detachable p-alkoxybenzyl alcohol resin supports for peptide fragment or semi-synthesis. International Journal of Peptide & Protein Research  (1980),  16(5),  412-25.  CODEN: IJPPC3  ISSN:0367-8377.  CAN 94:175508  AN 1981:175508    CAPLUS
  • Tam, James P.; DiMarchi, Richard D.; Merrifield, R. B.   Design and synthesis of a multidetachable benzhydrylamine resin for solid phase peptide synthesis.    Tetrahedron Letters  (1981),  22(30),  2851-4.  CODEN: TELEAY  ISSN:0040-4039.  CAN 95:204411  AN 1981:604411    CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi R D; Tam J P; Kent S B; Merrifield R B   Weak acid-catalyzed pyrrolidone carboxylic acid formation from glutamine during solid phase peptide synthesis. Minimization by rapid coupling.    International journal of peptide and protein research  (1982),  19(1),  88-93.  Journal code: 0330420.  ISSN:0367-8377.  PubMed ID 7118385 AN 83006105    MEDLINE
  • DiMarchi, Richard D.; Tam, James P.; Merrifield, R. B.   Solid phase synthesis of the protected 43-55 tridecapeptide of the heavy chain of myeloma immunoglobin M603, employing cyclohexyl ester protection for glutamic acid.    International Journal of Peptide & Protein Research  (1982),  19(3),  270-9.  CODEN: IJPPC3  ISSN:0367-8377.  CAN 97:24225  AN 1982:424225    CAPLUS
  • Voss, Christoph; DiMarchi, Richard; Whitney, Donald B.; Tjoeng, Foe Siong; Merrifield, R. B.; Tam, James P.   Synthesis of the protected tridecapeptide (56-68) of the VH domain of mouse myeloma immunoglobulin M603 and its reattachment to resin supports.    International Journal of Peptide & Protein Research  (1983),  22(2),  204-13.  CODEN: IJPPC3  ISSN:0367-8377.  CAN 100:51962  AN 1984:51962    CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi, Richard; Brooke, Gerald; Gale, Charles; Cracknell, Victor; Doel, Timothy; Mowat, Noel.   Protection of cattle against foot-and-mouth disease by a synthetic peptide.    Science (Washington, DC, United States)  (1986),  232(4750),  639-41.  CODEN: SCIEAS  ISSN:0036-8075.  CAN 104:223063  AN 1986:223063    CAPLUS
  • Wagner, J. F., Anderson, D. B., Cain, T. D., DiMarchi, R. D., Monrey, D. H., McGuffey, R. K., and Wray, M. I. (1987).  Effect of Continuously Infused Human Pancreatic Growth Hormone-Releasing Factor on Plasma Growth Hormone Concentration in the Wether Lamb.  J. Animal Science 221, 89-97.
  • Johnson, B. G., DiMarchi, R. D., Smith, M. C., and Mendelsohn, L. G. (1987).  Stimulation of Aminoisobutyrate Transport and Protein Synthesis in Human Fibroblasts by the Insulin-Like Growth Factors:  Measurement of the Biopotencies of Recombinant Human Peptides.  J. of Cell Biol. 104, 109-114.
  • Doel, T. R.; Gale, C.; Brooke, G.; DiMarchi, R..   Immunization against foot-and-mouth disease with synthetic peptides representing the C-terminal region of VP1.    Journal of General Virology  (1988),  69(9),  2403-6.  CODEN: JGVIAY  ISSN:0022-1317.  CAN 109:168519  AN 1988:568519    CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi, R.; Osborne, E.; Roberts, E.; Slieker, L.   Chemical synthesis of human epidermal growth factor (EGF) and human type a  transforming growth factor (TGFa ).    Pept.:  Chem. Biol., Proc. Am. Pept. Symp. 10th  (1988),  Meeting Date 1987,     202-3.  CODEN: 56MDA6  CAN 112:7906  AN 1990:7906    CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi, R.; Brooke, G.; Gale, C.; Doel, T.   Structure-function relationship in protection against foot and mouth disease (FMD) by a synthetic peptide.    Pept.:  Chem. Biol., Proc. Am. Pept. Symp. 10th  (1988),  Meeting Date 1987,     531-3.  CODEN: 56MDA6  CAN 111:55346  AN 1989:455346    CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi, Richard; Long, Harlan; Epp, Janet; Schoner, Brigitte; Belagaje, Rama.   Synthesis of insulin-like growth factor I through recombinant DNA techniques and selective chemical cleavage at tryptophan.    UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, New Series  (1989),  86(Synth. Pept.),  283-94.  CODEN: USMBD6  ISSN:0735-9543.  CAN 110:208830  AN 1989:208830    CAPLUS
  • Thakker, Jay K.; DiMarchi, Richard; MacDonald, Kenneth; Caro, Jose F.   Effect of insulin and insulin-like growth factors I and II on phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate breakdown in liver from humans with and without type II diabetes.    Journal of Biological Chemistry  (1989),  264(13),  7169-75.  CODEN: JBCHA3  ISSN:0021-9258.  CAN 110:225833  AN 1989:225833    CAPLUS
  • Sinha, Madhur K.; Buchanan, Cresada; Leggett, Nancy; Martin, Lourdes; Khazanie, Prabhaker G.; DiMarchi, Richard; Pories, Walter J.; Caro, Jose F.   Mechanism of IGF-I-stimulated glucose transport in human adipocytes.  Demonstration of specific IGF-I receptors not involved in stimulation of glucose transport.    Diabetes  (1989),  38(10),  1217-25.  CODEN: DIAEAZ  ISSN:0012-1797.  CAN 111:209673  AN 1989:609673    CAPLUS
  • Schalch, Don S.; Yang, Huan; Ney, Denise M.; DiMarchi, Richard D..   Infusion of human insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) into malnourished rats reduces hepatic IGF-I mRNA abundance.    Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications  (1989),  160(2),  795-800.  CODEN: BBRCA9  ISSN:0006-291X.  CAN 110:226096  AN 1989:226096    CAPLUS
  • Gale, Charles; Doel, Tim; Brooke, Gerry; White, Don; Mulcahy, Grace; DiMarchi, Richard.   Protection induced by synthetic peptides corresponding to three serotypes in foot and mouth disease virus.    Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology  (1989),  251(Immunobiol. Proteins Pept. 5),  161-7.  CODEN: AEMBAP  ISSN:0065-2598.  CAN 113:56868  AN 1990:456868    CAPLUS
  • DiMarchi, Richard Dennis; Long, Harlan Beall Reduction of methionine sulfoxide residues in peptides and proteins.  Ger. Offen. (1989), 6 pp. CODEN: GWXXBX DE 3828287 A1 19890309 CAN 111:97728 AN 1989:497728 CAPLUS
  • Sinha, Madhur K.; Buchanan, Cresada; Raineri-Maldonado, Carla; Khazanie, Prabhaker; Atkinson, Samuel; DiMarchi, Richard; Caro, Jose F.   IGF-II receptors and IGF-II-stimulated glucose transport in human fat cells.    American Journal of Physiology  (1990),  258(3, Pt. 1),  E534-E542.  CODEN: AJPHAP  ISSN:0002-9513.  CAN 112:192651  AN 1990:192651    CAPLUS
  • Doel, T. R.; Gale, C.; Do Amaral, C. M. C. F.; Mulcahy, G.; DiMarchi, R..   Heterotypic protection induced by synthetic peptides corresponding to three serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus.    Journal of Virology  (1990),  64(5),  2260-4.  CODEN: JOVIAM  ISSN:0022-538X.  CAN 113:4279  AN 1990:404279    CAPLUS

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